This Animation reminds me of something that would be on the TV Channel PBS and thats a Good thing.
This Animation reminds me of something that would be on the TV Channel PBS and thats a Good thing.
Interesting this is acualy a quite good short
You Are a sick Bastard thinking this was good for bronies
Hmm this is nothing New Special and Interesting since there have already been Many Pokemon Parody movies like this one.
Wow this is Good interactivity and Animation, but something is not right about this Chuck Norris Related Cartoon.
I'm seeing a great Lack of The Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick.
Change the Punch to a Kick. or just add it.
Your feedback is appreciated. You're dead on!
I actually, made it so that I can add scenes to it.
Eventually there will be so many that I might have to fill the whole sky with clouds for buttons.
Well done on the second Episode better than the first.
The story seems good so far. Continue it if you like.
The Space to contine is much easier to do Many times than click the mouse on the Flash.
This was A good PokemonSprite movie, however what makes it not great is the overall sound quality.
Did you intend to make it sound like it was acualy coming from a Gameboy Advance? if so Well done on that.
Good job on the interactivity of this Flash Click to continue text thing so it was like playing a Pokemon game not just a Animated Movie.
During the time that was the only music I had to had but thanks for the comment
Okay this is Good first but you could do better than this.
this is somewhat satisfactory work on this project you made.
this would have been better if it wasn't stick people and did not loop and the end.
of course. Its for school i dont care lol, i got 100 on the project, just thought id share it online for entertainment. Thanks thoe. i do agree with you.
Howdy Yall I am Strong I am Smart I am Ash Coursey.
Age 32, Bisexual
Hobbist Artist
Nonpariel Institute Plano
Mesquite TX
Joined on 12/6/10